make money online II How I made 1600$ with Facebook comments last month as a newbie II Facebook & CPA - Raw Template

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Monday 18 September 2017

make money online II How I made 1600$ with Facebook comments last month as a newbie II Facebook & CPA

Facebook Comment & CPA

So I started my journey within the world of web promoting in might this year. within the starting I scan the maximum amount data as I may on this forum to find out regarding the trade. I contend around with a number of the ways here and had some success, however nothing that was very property.

Then I scan the nice recommendation that for real success you ought to use the older ways as inspiration and take the most effective ideas and tricks from them and make your own new operating methodology. in order that is what I did; I took the most effective elements of the ways and combined them during a strategy that works for me!

Because I feel that I own this success to you guys on this forum, i made a decision to share this methodology with you!

What I learned on this forum:

-How to quickly observe wanting ascendable landing pages
-How to host them for free of charge
-What does not work any longer on Facebook (Like groupspamming etc.)

The Facebook methodology

- choose a CPA give you wish to advertize on Facebook
- Generate a static landing page with and transfer the page as a .zip
- transfer the .zip on to host the landing page for free of charge
- Post the link with Associate in Nursing account with a custom hashtag (something like #FreeiPhone)
- With another account spam this hashtag everywhere!

People can click on the hashtag and see the post with the link to the landing page you've got hosted on Github. Since you are not spamming any links, it's extremely arduous for Facebook to acknowledge this as spam.

The limits of creating cash with this methodology area unit supported your ability to post the hashtags on as several places as you'll be able to and it's supported the amount of parallel landing pages/offers you're running.
Since the hosting is free, it's extremely simple to speedily build new landing pages and scale your work.
If you'll be able to modify posting the hashtags, you'll be able to build even more cash. or even realize the way to create the hashtag go infective agent, which means that others can basically advertize for you!

I hope this methodology can assist you all and that i hope that by posting this I will offer one thing back to the present nice community!

Have an excellent day

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