Instagram Automation Bot II Beta - Raw Template

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Monday 18 September 2017

Instagram Automation Bot II Beta

Hey guys,

I am glad to announce the Beta release of Gram Multitool 2. With the beta release of GMT2, I hope to gather feedback and mainly reports of any issues you may encounter (bugs, crashes, spelling mistakes :p)

One of the main advantages of GMT2 over GMT is that when I started developing GMT I didn't have as much experience as I have now and didn't design with modularity in mind. What this means is it's extremely easy to add new features (picture upload, DM support, etc. ) Also thanks to the design, GMT2 will be easily modified as Instagram introduces new changes.

Another big advantages of GMT2 is, that the GUI is much more friendly than the previous version, allowing beginners to easily start working without and headaches.

I really hope you guys enjoy the tool as much as I enjoyed developing it, and inform me on how I can improve the tool.

Current major features:

  • Follow users (this is currently the only module available, I will not add new modules till the foundation for future modules is 100% stable and without and bugs)
  • Generate various graphs about your followers like gender distribution, follower engagement, posts per week and much more.
  • View how you can optimize your posts based on tags used which result highest engagement.
  • Determine the best time to post based on engagement of your pictures.
  • Lot's of filters for scraping users (and when I say a lot, I mean every filter I could think off)
  • Schedule by day and by hour. (So you can say e.g. to only follow users on Monday between 5-6 and 8-9)
  • And lot's of smaller hidden stuff that I left for you guys to discover
  • Track users you interacted with, so you can see exactly who followed you back and what the reason was (e.g. filter uses was #love)


  • Currently the max allowed accounts is 10
  • Accounts support proxies, but this hasn't been tested thoroughly.
  • Some buttons are disables, these have not been implemented yet.
  • You can only run one instance of GMT2, if you wish to run multiple instances simply run the tool with the argument "-mull"
  • I can't stress enough how important it is to receive feedback, I can't improve the tool if I don't receive any.
  • EXPECT CRASHES, this bot is still in beta, so it is expected. I will do my best to hunt down any bugs and resolve them.

If you want to contact me simply reply to this thread, send me a PM or add me on Skype (fagenorn)
Also if you are interested in the development of GMT2 I can send you my Telegram so we can stay in contact.


  • Windows machine with .Net 4.5 or later installed.
  • An Internet connection
  • Instagram account
Download the latest version of GMT2 here:

It appears there is one false positive caught by

Once downloaded, all you have to do is run Setup.exe and the installer will create a shortcut on your Desktop and launch the tool straight away.
If any updates are released the tool will automatically update itself silently, so you can focus on more important stuff :)

Technical Info:

The bot was developed using C# using WPF framework.

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